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Brown, Andrew
A la recherche des livres d'Émilie du Châtelet / Andrew Brown & Ulla Kölving
In: Émilie du Châtelet. p. 111-120
J.D. Bernal
the sage of science Brown, Andrew    Indice: Acknowledgements. List of illustrations. Abbreviations. 1. A long way to go 2. Cambridge undergraduate 3. Bohemian crystallographer 4. Science fantasy 5. The new kingdom... Anno: 2005
Brown, Andrew
J.D. Bernal : the sage of science / Andrew Brown
Oxford : Oxford university press, 2005.
The neutron and the bomb
a biography of Sir James Chadwick Brown, Andrew    Indice: 1. Obscure origins 2. Manchester: the nuclear nursery 3. Germany and war 4. A new beginning 5. Sparks don't fly 6. Discovery of the neutron 7. International renown... Anno: 1997
Brown, Andrew
The neutron and the bomb : a biography of Sir James Chadwick / Andrew Brown
Oxford : Oxford university press, 1997.